About Us

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About the Finance

UNIRAJ NIDHI LIMITED, one of the leading Nidhi Companies in RAJASTHAN offers a hassle-free experience to avail MICROFINANCE LOAN, PERSONAL LOAN, GROUP LOAN, BUSINESS LOAN, GOLD LOAN. In addition to the transparency, security and range of its gold loan products, YASHIKA DIKSHA Nidhi Ltd. distinguishes itself from others primarily on the basis of the ease with which gold loans can be availed from our branches. The only requirement is that borrowers present themselves at our branches with a valid ID and address proves. Our streamlined and centralized systems and well- sketched procedures promise that ANY TYPE OF LOAN can be availed in a matter of DAY. Depositors can choose from a wide range of deposit products with maturities ranging from 06 to 60 months at competitive rates of interest and with different features to suit the investment needs of individual Members.

All about us


Our first and foremost Mission is to encourage and afford all facilities for cultivating thrift, savings habits and to Render all financial assistance to its members only by receiving long and short term Deposits and in particular recurring deposit, fixed deposit and other deposits, not Being current accounts from the members as are allowed by law for Nidhi. To lend, grant loans to the shareholders or members only as against securities of Immovable properties, and/ or on the security of deposits, movables such as Gold \Silver Jewellery, Kisan Vikas Patra, National Saving Certificates Scheme, Insurance Policies


Our Vision is become Indian largest banking and financial company. Our Aim to be the most respected financial services provider and right from the beginning has been following the hermetic principles of Trust and a guarantee of fairness and balance which remain the cause of our goodwill. Our UNIRAJ NIDHI LIMITED has truly bridged the chasm between promise and performance.

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