
We will match you with a loan program that meet your financial need.

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Personal & Business Loans

Listen to the Colour of your dreams with UNIRAJ NIDHI LIMITED Are you looking to expand your business/ to get your beloved child married/to give better higher education to your children/to renovate your dream home….? UNIRAJ NIDHI LIMITED is with you as a LIFE LONG PARTNER in your every need… Higher loan amount for your needs, with the benefit of very lower EMI, and with daily collection facility. Hassle free documentation procedures, approval within days and flexible repayment options.Attractive interest rate, Simple and very speedy processing ,Repayment tenure up to 60 months, Repayment of installments through any of our branches, No Penalty for premature closing after 6 months, Facility for daily remittance.

Gold Loan

With attractive schemes, easy repayment options and lowest interest rates, UNIRAJ NIDHI LIMITED, one of the leading Nidhi Companies in Kerala offers a hassle-free experience to avail gold loan. UNIRAJ NIDHI LIMITED Gold loans may be availed for any amount between Rs.1,000 to a maximum of Rs.2 Lakhs. Loans are available for periods ranging from one month to one year. Our Gold loans do not have any lock- in-period and there are no prepayment penalties. You can repay earlier than the scheduled as you desire. Anyone who is the member and owns gold ornaments can avail the loan.To obtain the loan, you need to submit your gold jewellery at your nearest RMK Finance branches. The loan amount will be sanctioned on the basis of gold valuation which involves verification of its purity.


Microfinance is an effective tool that can help reduce poverty and spread economic opportunity by giving poor people access to financial services, such as credit and insurance. UNIRAJ NIDHI LIMITED distributes small loans that begin at Rs. 10000 to Rs. 500000 to poor women so they can start and expand simple businesses and increase their incomes. Their micro-enterprises range from raising cows,buffalo and goats in order to sell their milk, to opening a village tea stall. UNIRAJ NIDHI LIMITED uses the group lending model where poor women guarantee each other’s loans. Borrowers undergo financial literacy training and must pass a test before they are allowed to take out loans. Weekly meetings with borrowers follow a highly disciplined approach. Re-payment rates on our collateral-free loans are more than 99% because of this systematic process. UNIRAJ NIDHI LIMITED also offers micro-insurance to the poor as well as financing for other goods and services that can help them combat poverty.

Experts are waiting to Help your business We provide financial help to your Business.Contact Us